Buffini & Company Blog

Turn Up the Quality on Your Real Estate Lead Generation

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Relying on the Internet for leads can be exhausting. It’s costly, and the people who do give out their contact information are typically just browsing with no guarantee of buying or selling.

There is a better method for real estate lead generation that can save you time and money while earning you the highest quality leads in the industry: Working by Referral.

Agents who Work by Referral acquire new leads by turning to the people who are already logged in their real estate CRM. They market to the folks who have continually sent them business with the goal of earning referrals. Since there is already an established relationship with these clients, agents know their referrals are the real deal.

If you’re tired of paying for expensive, low-quality online leads, consider giving the Working by Referral system a try. Get started with these simple steps.

Rank Your Database

To streamline your real estate lead generation, reach out to the folks in your database and determine if you’re their go-to agent. The Working by Referral system recommends ranking your relationships from A+ to D based on how likely they are to refer you. That way, if you learn you aren’t someone’s number one real estate pro, you’re able to rank that relationship accordingly and focus your energies elsewhere.

Stay in Touch

Keep in constant contact with your best clients. You may send value-add mailers and emails monthly, while also calling clients for regular check-ins. If you really want to stand out, consider writing clients personal notes to express your gratitude and thank them for their business. When you stay in touch with your best people, you remain top-of-mind for all their real estate needs, making them more likely to refer you when the time comes.

Invest in a Relational Real Estate CRM

Look for a real estate CRM that helps you keep track of your Working by Referral activities. For example, Buffini & Company Referral Maker® CRM is designed to let agents rank their database right within the program. It also creates customized action steps based on previously inputted business goals, so agents know exactly who to call and when in order to generate their next lead. The right real estate CRM should make it easy to generate high-quality leads, achieve business goals and record your progress.

Ready to turn up the quality on your real estate lead generation? Start Working by Referral, and you’ll never have to spend money on poor quality leads again. Referral Maker® CRM can help you keep everything organized — sign up for a free trial to test out the system today!

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