Buffini & Company Blog

What’s Your EQ?

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According to experts, emotional intelligence, or EQ, is as important as your IQ when it comes to success in business and in life. Studies show that people with high EQs not only relate to others at a deeper level, they also produce more sales and earn an average of $29,000 more than those with similar IQ, but lower EQ. However, in our fast-paced, self-focused, quick-to-react and even quicker-to-judge culture, it can be difficult to foster high emotional intelligence.

Could your EQ use improvement?
For each of the statements, choose the answer that best matches you.

  1. How often do you find yourself arguing with others?
    1. Not often. I tend to avoid conflict and instead seek to find areas of mutual agreement.
    2. Sometimes, when I want to make a point. I tend to pick and choose my arguments.
    3. All the time. I’ve never met an argument I didn’t want to involve myself in.
  2. Do you tend to blame others for your failures or shortcomings?
    1. No. Whether I succeed or fail is my responsibility and mine alone.
    2. Sometimes.
    3. Yes. I could be so much wealthier and successful if other people weren’t so incompetent.
  3. Do you have deep relationships?
    1. Yes. I have lots of deep relationships with people from all areas of my life.
    2. A few, but it would be nice to have more.
    3. Who needs deep relationships when I have 700 friends on Facebook.
  4. Are you prone to emotional outbursts?
    1. No, I tend to stay cool as a cucumber in most situations.
    2. Every now and then, my temper gets the best of me.
    3. My nickname is “Mount Vesuvius.”
  5. Are you empathetic?
    1. In any situation, especially those that are tense or emotional, I always put myself in the other person’s shoes and try to understand how they’re feeling and what they’re thinking before I react.
    2. I try to relate to others and their thoughts and situations, but am not always successful.
    3. What is this “empathy’ you speak of? Do they sell it on Amazon?

How did you respond?

Mostly As: You’re an EQ superstar! Always quick to relate to and empathize with others, you’re the master of healthy communication. Keep up the good work by exercising your EQ every day.

Mostly Bs: Your EQ isn’t low, but it could use a bit of improvement. Make an effort to focus on others, listen more and empathize with other people each day, especially in difficult situations.

Mostly Cs: The bad news is, your EQ could use some work. The good news is, now is the perfect time to improve it for the benefit of your business, personal relationships and overall well-being. Listen to episode #105 of It’s a Good Life to learn three ways to improve your EQ and apply it each and every day in your life and business. Click here to listen.

Buffini & Company

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