Buffini & Company Blog

Why Real Estate Training Should Be an Essential Part of Your Business in 2020

Real Estate Training

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

We’ve reached the end of the year, which means it’s time for a little reflection. Many real estate agents use this time to go over achievements from the current year and build a plan for the one on deck. As you build your optimal business plan, there is one piece you should absolutely include: real estate training.

To start 2020 off on the right foot, it is important to invest time in building your skills to boost productivity. This gets you on the path to more profits and eventual mastery in your craft down the line. That would make for a pretty exceptional 2020, wouldn’t you agree?

Here are three ways an investment in real estate training will pay off on your way to the top.

Set achievable goals.

Napoleon Hill famously said, “A goal is a dream with a deadline.” Whatever your dream looks like, it’ll be much more difficult to achieve it if you don’t have a written goal. This is your plan of action — whether you’re trying to boost your production or open your own brokerage, you’ll need a roadmap to go along with your destination.  Effective real estate training offers you step-by-step guidance and support to help you write goals and actually achieve them.

Gain valuable time management skills.

Learn how to manage your time so it doesn’t start managing you! When you learn how to take control of your schedule and craft it intentionally, not only will you find more time in the week, but you will use your scheduled blocks more productively. Seek out a real estate training program that teaches you tips, tricks and strategies to become a time management expert — understanding how to schedule your “big rocks” will help streamline workflow and make more profits.

Create a budget for your business.

A business with a budget is a business that lasts. Spending money with your eyes closed leads to costly expenses that will reduce your profits and ultimately make your business less sustainable. Managing expenses is one of the most complicated yet necessary parts of the real estate business. Your training program should teach you the smartest way to budget that allows you to save strategically and figure out how your money can work for you. A working budget makes expenses one less thing you’ll have to worry about.

Top-of-the-line real estate training is a must for any agent looking to succeed in the New Year. The Pathway to Mastery®—Essentials is an in-depth training program for real estate agents that provides all of this skill building. Get started today so you can hit the ground running in 2020 with solid goals, time management and budgeting tactics!

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