Buffini & Company Blog

Why Work by Referral?

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At Buffini & Company, we have the awesome opportunity to talk to real estate agents every day about their businesses and how they are keeping ahead of the competition. We thought we’d share some of these valuable insights with the rest of our community.

The top real estate agents in North America are working by referral and loving it. So we asked them:

Why do you work by referral?

We surveyed over 20 of the top agents and put together a selection of their answers here.

More than 40% of real estate agents said that working by referral is the most effective way to work

Other answers included:

  • Don’t like cold calling
  • Get to work with family/friends/community
  • It’s a relational way to do business
  • It’s more fun

Why Agents Work By Referral


The numbers speak for themselves. Working by referral is the most effective way to generate leads and build a thriving real estate business. Plus, it’s fun!

Not only is cold calling miserable, it’s just not as good for business. Working by referral empowers real estate agents to build strong relationships while ensuring a steady stream of leads.

We also asked these agents what they enjoyed most about working by referral. Here’s what some of the best of the best had to say:

  • Chris Jeantet (@shastaliving): It’s more my style. No knocking on doors or cold calling but interacting with my biggest fans.
  • Karen Dulle (@karendulle): I like working by referral as it is gives me the chance to be with the clients I am serving and building that relationship
  • Barbara Betts (@barbara_betts): I am able to set aside time for the important things in life!
  • Shawn Dreger (@shawndreger): No cold calling or spending tons of money marketing
  • Denise Saletta (@tattootinkbell): You are allowed to know families, different generations, you develop wonderful, lasting relationships. Working by referral lets you ‘in’
  • Sunny Bedi (@sunnybedi26): It syncs with my style of work
  • Michael Paul Baden (@MichaelBaden): I always know the quality and exactly where the (next) deals are coming from! J

Do you work by referral? We’d love to hear about your experience!

P.S. We’re halfway through our 2016 Referral Rally! Top the leaderboard to win a trip to San Diego, Buffini & Company gift sets, and more! Learn how here: http://www.buffini.com/membership/referral-rally/default.aspx

Why Work by Referral?


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