Buffini & Company Blog

Your Million Dollar Asset

Your Million Dollar Asset

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Did you know you’re already in possession of a million dollar asset? It’s your good name! Like all assets, if it’s protected, built and compounded over time, your name can become something truly formidable. But, for that to happen, you must know who you are, what your name represents and what you want it to stand for.

Your Name Is Your Brand

What are you known for? When people think of you and your business, what comes to mind? You can have a positive brand, you can have a negative brand or you can have what most people have — which is an unintentional brand! Which one are you?

Your Name Is Your Reputation

Warren Buffet once said that it takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. We live in a world where people are quick to judge and tarnish a person’s reputation, so be careful to protect and preserve yours.  Ironically, when we understand the value of our own name, we are more respectful of other people’s.

Your Name Is Your Reflection

Most of us say things to ourselves that we would never allow anyone else to say to us. Talk to yourself like you would a respected friend. Write down the names of three people you admire and the qualities you admire in them. Then remind yourself that you too have those same qualities.

Your Name Is Your Bond

My grandfather taught me to put my name to everything I do. This principle manifests itself in taking pride in your work. Always strive to uphold the high standards that your name represents. Doing the right thing takes you places!

Your Name Is Your Own

In today’s world, you can make a name for yourself anyway you want if you have no shame. But you want to make your name your own. Make it a name that’s going to stand up and become something you can pass on.  Your good name is the consistency with which you live over time. Be dependable in your actions – do what’s expected of you, and then go do the unexpected!

My good name has always been a guiding value for myself, my company and my family. Your good name is a valuable, powerful gift that has quality to it and should be protected and preserved. So pay attention, be patient and be faithful and the million dollar asset that is your good name will grow over time.

Listen to the latest episode of “It’s a Good Life” to hear Brian offer tips and advice on preserving and growing your good name.

Buffini & Company

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