Buffini & Company Blog

Finding Your Why

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Has there ever been a day where you felt like you were falling out of love with your craft? It’s okay to admit it — many agents will encounter a time where they question whether real estate is the career for them. The business isn’t easy, which is why it’s necessary to keep your inspiration high in order to achieve.

At Buffini & Company, we call this inspiration your “why.” It’s what drives you to show up and give your best every day and to stay focused during challenging times when you’re close to drifting. Most importantly, your why is what will reignite your fire when burnout creeps in. 

Keep in mind, your why is more than just a desire to make more money, get out of debt, lose weight, or other important yet general goals. Typically, there is something deeper that motivates the person who sets these goals — this is the strong why that generates authentic goals people actually want to pursue.

There are a few strategies to discovering your why. The first is to determine your purpose. Answer a few questions about why you got into the business in the first place, and why you stay in it:

  • Why are you in the business you’re in?
  • What drives you to wake up in the morning with a desire to succeed?
  • What is your end goal? (Early retirement, kids’ college funds, assisting others, etc.)

Write these answers down in a journal and check in frequently. Periodically reconnecting with your purpose can motivate you to thrive, especially when you’re experiencing challenges or burnout.

Another way to explore your why is to look into your past. Determine what you are passionate about — perhaps there is a hobby you loved but abandoned many years ago. Once you recall a few of these passions and pursuits, decide how you can incorporate them into your why.

Remember, everybody has something different that they’re passionate about! Whether you want more quality time with your family or the chance to run in a marathon, as long as these things excite you, they will be enough to motivate you to approach your business in a way that prioritizes these goals. For example, you may shift your time management plan to allow you to train for that marathon, or perhaps you adjust your lead generation activities so that you produce enough to take your family on an extra vacation each year.

When you designate your why, you will find yourself with more motivation to tackle your day-to-day activities. You’ll know exactly why you are in this business, and where you want to go. Buffini & Company has services to help you identify your why and work towards all of your personal and professional goals. Sign up for a free business consultation to find out how membership can benefit you!

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