Buffini & Company Blog

Looking For Ways to Stand Out From the Competition?

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It’s no secret that real estate is a crowded industry, which is why the best agents must figure out how to stand out from the competition.

If you want to shine in the industry, there are a few strategies you can add to your real estate marketing and lead generation plan to establish yourself as the go-to professional for your friends and family — and their referrals.

Start Value-Add Marketing

Everyone’s trying to sell us something these days — and let’s face it, now, we can smell an ad coming from a mile away.

Traditional marketing that simply peddles a product to potential clients is forgettable and often ineffective. To really stand out from your competition, your real estate marketing needs to provide value to potential customers and relationships!

Share market updates, productivity tips and other interesting topics via social media, email and snail mail. Your clients will look forward to your marketing, rather than groaning at the sight of another email advertisement.

Write Personal Notes

Most of the time, your competition is focusing on how to leverage the latest tech tools to reach new clients. But if you want to build a business that lasts, you have to build relationships first. That’s why it’s essential to show your clients how much you value them and their business with a heartfelt gesture like a handwritten note.

The power of a handwritten personal note is tremendous. Taking time to write a card to check in with someone, congratulate them on a milestone or simply wish them a happy birthday stands out in a world of text messages and wall posts and keeps you top of mind. 

Start incorporating regular note-writing into your real estate lead generation routine, and you’ll be amazed at how quickly clients will respond to your kindness. They might even send you a referral or two soon after! 

Show Your Appreciation

When you’re busy figuring out where your next lead will come from, it’s easy to forget to appreciate the people with whom you’ve already done business. These folks have the potential to refer your high level of care and service to their friends and family to deliver you your next lead — that’s why it’s critical to show them appreciation!

Stay current with your past clients through gestures of gratitude. You may deliver small appreciation gifts to their doorstep to say thanks and remind them that you are never too busy for their referrals. Perhaps you want to organize a safe real estate client appreciation event to celebrate your best people.

There are many ways to thank your top clients for their business — you’ll stand out when you make this a key part of your routine!

Looking for a real estate marketing system to help you stand out from the competition? Check out Buffini & Company Referral Maker® PRO marketing kit. This monthly real estate marketing kit has everything you need to provide clients with value, personal notes and gestures of appreciation.

Sign up for a free business consultation to see what Referral Maker® PRO can bring to your business!

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