Buffini & Company Blog

Manage Your Digital Presence in Real Estate

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When creating your real estate agent marketing plan, you need to ensure you are communicating your brand to clients and potential leads through multiple platforms.

Quick disclaimer — at Buffini & Company, we are huge advocates of snail mail. Sending your relationships valuable information through the mail sets you apart from the competition, and it should be a critical component of your marketing.

However, in today’s modern world, it is also imperative that you create a robust digital real estate marketing strategy. This should be a multichannel approach that transforms your social media, email and personal website into valuablereal estate marketing tools.

Be intentional about your digital presence to build a more well-rounded real estate agent marketing plan. All digital assets must still reflect your commitment to exceptional service and relational marketing. This is essential for demonstrating how you stand out from transactional agents in a crowded marketplace.

Here’s how you can shine in these three major digital spaces when it comes to your real estate marketing.

Social Media

All actions you take on social media for real estate should contribute to building relationships. Instead of spending money on Facebook ads to attract new leads, you should be engaging your current followers with valuable content. This includes:

  • Facebook Live broadcasts with market updates and real estate Q&As.
  • Positive content that inspires followers.
  • Pictures or videos of your exceptional service in action!  

When these current relationships are continually reminded of your excellent level of service and care, they will refer that to their friends and family. These leads will be much higher quality than any you might attract through a paid ad being served to strangers!


Email is one of the most important marketing channels, and the easiest to abuse. Try not to bombard your database with emails of your listings. The same goes for new additions to your email list — instead of sending off advertisements, send them something of value!

For example, with the Buffini & Company Referral Maker® PRO marketing kit, agents receive a monthly eReport to send to clients. This is a beautifully designed content piece that shares valuable information with the recipient. From tax time tips to productivity hacks, these eReports are things clients want to keep handy, instead of sending them straight to the trash bin.

Before you send an email blast, ask yourself how that message will add value to that relationship. This will ensure that your clients look forward to your emails and keep you top of mind for all real estate needs!

Personal Website

Your personal website is a great space for clients and new leads to catch a glimpse of who you are and what you provide. Here are some characteristics of a great website:

  • An “About Me” page that explains who you are and how you work.
  • Updated information on listings.
  • A blog sharing consistent updates about the market or real estate tips. 
  • Clear contact information.
  • Search engine optimization — keywords or phrases someone might Google to find your business.

If you do not have a personal website, consider taking a weekend to create one! Services like WordPress, Wix and Squarespace make it easy to design and host your own website and blog.

For more resources to help you maintain a well-rounded real estate marketing strategy, check out Referral Maker® PRO from Buffini & Company. This real estate marketing kit contains physical and digital marketing pieces to provide your clients with value so that you remain top of mind for all real estate needs.

See what Referral Maker® PRO can do to boost your real estate lead generation with a free business consultation!

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