Buffini & Company Blog

Real Estate Marketing to Keep You Top of Mind With Your Clients

Catch all the groundbreaking insights of Brian Buffini’s Mid-Year Bold Predictions 2024 , now available on-demand. Has there ever been a more complex time in the real estate industry? Brian gives you theinside scoop on what’s taking place behind the numbers. Watch now.

Instead of cold calling, purchasing online leads, plastering your face on bus benches and other traditional lead generation methods, try rethinking your approach to real estate marketing!

Rather than targeting folks you don’t know, consider focusing your marketing on people that you like and already have an established relationship with. By providing these relationships with value on a regular basis, you build trust and keep yourself top of mind with your clients, which will lead to increased referrals.  

Does your real estate marketing plan keep you front and center in your clients’ minds? If not, you can still get started with these strategies.

Stay in Touch

One of the biggest complaints of buyers and sellers is that they never hear from their agents again after the transaction has closed. A relationally-based real estate marketing system makes keeping in touch with them almost automatic. Monthly marketing flyers, followed-up with digital eReports, personal notes, phone calls and client appreciation gifts make it easy to stay in touch, no matter how busy you are.

 Prioritize Customer Service

Great customer service should be part of your real estate marketing strategy. The more you are able to serve your clients in ways separate from an actual real estate transaction, the more they remember you and trust you. They understand that you are someone who has an interest in service even after the sale. After all, the best advertising you can get for your business is a rave review from a loyal client, or even a social media post thanking you for your latest handwritten note or real estate Pop-By

Celebrate and Appreciate

Another excellent way to stay top of mind is by inviting your top clients to appreciation events to say thanks for their continued business. These don’t always have to be in-person! Client appreciation events can take place virtually — think wine tastings, cooking classes and other fun interactive activities via Zoom. They can also take the form of a “reverse Pop-By,” where your clients come to you to pick up a holiday basket, a special dessert or anything else that might make their day. You get to secure a spot as their favorite real estate professional, and potentially earn a few referrals!

Want to make it even easier to stay top of mind with your clients? The Referral Maker® PRO real estate marketing kit is designed specifically for Working by Referral. Each month, you’ll receive a kit with professionally-written and designed marketing mailers, personal notes and access to cover letters and eReports. Sign up for a free business consultation to learn more about what the Referral Maker® PRO real estate marketing kit can offer for you!

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