Buffini & Company Blog

Time For an Audit of Your Real Estate CRM

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Your real estate CRM is the tool that organizes your business. If it isn’t doing the job just right, that technology can hinder you instead of help you.

Take some time to audit your real estate CRM so you can be completely confident that it’s doing everything you need to run your business like a business. Start by checking in with each element of your real estate CRM.


A real estate CRM should do more than just store your database. It needs the ability to bring each record to life so you know who to focus your efforts on. Ask yourself if your current system is helping you manage your contacts to the best of your ability. For example, Referral Maker® CRM from Buffini & Company allows agents to rank relationships based on how likely they are to refer you — this helps agents know who they should be channeling their energy toward, instead of blindly marketing to everyone they meet.

Lead Generation

Does your real estate CRM tell you exactly what to do each day to generate leads? If that sounds too good to be true, then you’ll probably want to invest in a new system. A great CRM has technology that takes the guesswork out of real estate lead generation. It should tell agents exactly which activities they need to do that day in order to meet their income goals. This is one of the best features of Referral Maker® CRM — users are met with a dashboard of customized to-dos telling them who to call, visit or write in order to stay top of mind with that relationship, thus generating referrals.

Real Estate Marketing

What is your real estate CRM’s marketing infrastructure like? Your program must give you the ability to craft email and print marketing campaigns focused on adding value to your database. Your real estate CRM should know exactly who to send these communications to, since you’ve already ranked relationships based on likelihood of referral. Ideally, a real estate CRM like Referral Maker® CRM should let you put the marketing on autopilot!

Business Goals

Every successful business person needs a set of goals they’re working toward. Make sure your real estate CRM has a space to keep these goals. The best programs will then create business action steps based on those goals. That’s why Referral Maker® CRM encourages users to input their income goals before anything else — this way, the system can ensure that everything you do in your business is moving you toward the finish line.

Data Tracking

The technology in your real estate CRM should allow you to diligently track your progress. It should give you a well-rounded snapshot of your real estate lead generation results as well as how close you are to reaching your income goals. Look for the ability to run reports to analyze and improve your marketing and lead generation strategy. Having this data in one place will ultimately help you succeed!

Overall, the real estate CRM you choose must organize your business in a way that makes it future-proof! Upgrade your business with Referral Maker® CRM from Buffini & Company. This real estate CRM lets agents add their database, get organized and generate more leads based on the proven Working by Referral System. Try Referral Maker® CRM for free today!

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